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Retirement Planning

Retirement planning is about planning to achieve financial security and confidence. It isn't just about money; it's also about personal fulfillment and enjoyment. It's what we refer to as "financial independence." Our retirement planning services will help you plan to get the most from your retirement years.

Education Funding

Saving for college is a significant financial planning issue for most families. While there are numerous sources of funding available, identifying the right mix of alternatives and maximizing their use is a complex and confusing process. We enjoy working with families of all income levels to devise a plan to effectively save for future education costs.

Estate strategies

Estate planning goes beyond making a will. It involves making  decisions regarding the well-being of your children, end-of-life considerations, handling gifts or bequests to charities, trusts, and effectively transferring ownership of a small business. After reviewing pertinent estate planning issues with your CPA and attorney, that may impact your life, we will consider the choices and help you implement strategies to fund an estate plan.

insurance Planning

Determining how much coverage you need, what risks you can afford to self-insure, where you should buy your insurance, and how much you should pay are vitally important to your financial security. We’ll discuss these issues in detail and help you spend your insurance dollars wisely.

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Securities offered through Equitable Advisors, LLC (NY, NY 212-314-4600), member FINRA/SIPC (Equitable Financial Advisors in MI & TN). Investment advisory products and services offered through Equitable Advisors, LLC, an SEC registered investment advisor.  Annuity and insurance products offered through Equitable Network, LLC, which conducts business in CA as Equitable Network Insurance Agency of California, LLC, in UT as Equitable Network Insurance Agency of Utah, LLC, in PR as Equitable Network of Puerto Rico, Inc.  Equitable Advisors and its affiliates do not provide tax or legal advice. Please consult your tax and legal advisors regarding your particular circumstances.  Individuals may transact business, which includes offering products and services and/or responding to inquiries, only in state(s) in which they are properly registered and/or licensed. The information in this website is not investment or securities advice and does not constitute an offer. For more information about Equitable Advisors, LLC you may visit to review the firm’s Relationship Summary for Retail Investors and General Conflicts of Interest Disclosure.

360 Planning Partners is not a registered investment advisor and is not owned or operated by Equitable Advisors or Equitable Network.

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